
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

Growing on burned-over soil or scorched material.
anthropodermic (adjective), more anthropodermic, most anthropodermic
Human skins used as book covers.

A book, L'Idolatrie Huguenotre (Huguenot Idolatry), which was published in 1608 in Leon, France by Louis Richeome, a Roman Catholic who attacked the Huguenots and Protestantism, exists at the University of Memphis, Tennessee. It is bound as an anthropodermic cover with the pages made of rag paper, the common type used during the 17th century.

The process of using anthropodermic bookbinding was common during the 17th century. While the anthropodermic binding resembles a leather substance more than skin these days, it still has a very odd texture.

The process of using anthropodermic covers lasted up until the middle of the 18th century.

European countries, and some in the Far East, were the main cultures that used the anthropodermic process, but is is not known to have been used in the United States.

It is said that anthropodermic binding was very common, mostly because human skin was inexpensive and widely available.

Someone has also mentioned another anthropodermic bound book in the Harvard Law Library titled Practicarum Quaestionum Circa Leges Regias Hispaniae.

anthropogeographic (adjective), more anthropogeographic, most anthropogeographic
1. A reference to the branch of studies regarding the world's distribution of humans based on physical characteristics, languages, customs, and institutions.
2. That department of earthly studies that specializes in the various aspects of the environment as related to mankind.
anthropologic (adjective), more anthropologic, most anthropologic
A reference to the scientific study of the human species.
anthropometric (adjective), more anthropometric, most anthropometric
Descriptive of belonging to, skilled in, or given to the measurement of the human body.
anthropomorphic (adjective), more anthropomorphic, most
1. A reference to the explanation of a Deity as having a human form and character.
2. A descriptive application to non-human objects in human form: Rock art that depicts a god as being an anthropomorphic deity is considered as such because of having a human shape.
4. Characterized by animals as possessing human qualities.
5. Suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things: Any creature or material thing that can be seen and touched which is like a human is considered to be an anthropomorphic being or object.
anthroponymic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to a person's personal name.
anthropopathic (adjective), more anthropopathic, most anthropopathic
Of or pertaining to human passions or feelings of a being or beings that are not human; especially, to a deity.
anthropophagic (adjective), more anthropophagic, most anthropophagic
Characterized by or relating to the consumption of humans; such as, a cannibal.
anthropophagistic (adjective), more anthropophagistic, most anthropophagistic
Referring to, or characterized by, being eaters of human beings.
anthropophilic (adjective), more anthropophilic, most anthropophilic
1. A reference to human-seeking or human-preference: Blood-sucking arthropods that have a desire for the human host as a source of blood or tissues over those of other animal hosts are considered to be anthropophilic.
2. Pertaining to the existence in a human environment or favoring humans as hosts for nourishment: Anthropophilic parasites are those that show specificity for humans as opposed to other species, or of any flora or fauna that benefits from human activities.